Ever wish you had neighbors who just “get it”?

Picture this: You step out of your house on a beautiful morning, and there’s your neighbor, Carmen, always ready with a smile and a word of encouragement. You chat about the best ways to spread kindness, hear inspiring stories, and even swap ideas for community service projects. It feels like a true family, a place where kindness and support are always in abundance.

When you join my email community, you’re not just a follower; you become part of a movement committed to making the world a better place. Why not be my neighbor? Join my email list to experience the warmth and support of a community that feels like home.

Behind Morning's With Maddie

My viral videos of me doing my daughter's hair shows how far parenting with kindness can go. These videos model my approach to parenting with kindness.

Get the Parenting with Kindness Guide

Behind My Kindness Journey

My beautiful daughter Sania passed away on Thanksgiving Day 2022. Sania was unable to do anything for herself—she couldn’t feed herself, walk, talk, or groom herself. She couldn’t even tell me when she was in pain; I had to guess everything. Caring for someone like Sania requires an immense level of patience and unconditional love. It was my greatest honor to support her for 19 years. Sania taught me everything about patience, kindness, and being the best you can be to another person. But I knew that in order to be those things for her, I had to first be kind to myself.

My therapeutic journey began when I was 20, nearly 20 years ago. I was determined to break the cycle of generational trauma and become uncontaminated by it. I did the hard work, and it was worth it. Being kind to myself enabled me to be kind to Sania and taught me how to extend that kindness to others. The kindness, peace, and love I have today stem from understanding how soft life can be when you give yourself these things. It’s a great honor to share this with my children, my husband, and now you, thanks to my beautiful angel Sania.